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Kemah Therapist For Individuals, Couples, & Families of all ages

Secure Online Video Therapy
Increasingly, healthcare professionals are using technology as part of their psychotherapy practice, offering Secure Online Video Therapy (a.k.a online therapy, online counseling, teletherapy) options to patients.

Individual Therapy & Counseling
Our goal in individual therapy & counseling is to help you identify and work toward the changes you desire in your life and relationships, while providing you with the skills and tools to become more mindful, resilient, and compassionate toward yourself and the others in your life.

Counseling for Marriages & Couples Therapy
Few couples expect they will ever need counseling & therapy, psychotherapy or psychiatric counseling. Few come to counseling at the start of a problem. Most couples seek help when they are in a crisis. No matter when or why you seek it out, know that there is always help and relief.

Family Counseling & Therapy
Family counseling & therapy is a way of repairing relations and improving dynamics. With the help of a skilled psychotherapy counselor, each family member is encouraged to express and explore his or her thoughts, emotions, and reactions.

Parenting Counseling
Parenting Counseling & Co Parenting Counseling. Learn the tools needed to function optimally within your family unit. Kemah therapist provide you with the guidance and support you need to provide a stable and healthy childhood experience for your child.

Children & Adolescent Therapy
The early years can be a challenge for both parents and their children. Whether you are dealing with behavioral, divorce or school related issues, our Counselors & Kemah therapist will help give your child a safe place to grow and work through their issues.

Trauma Therapy & Counseling
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CBT) focuses on the causes behind the traumatic event and the impact of the traumatic event on the person’s beliefs. It teaches individuals to evaluate the validity of these thoughts and modify inaccurate or negative thoughts.

LGBTQ Therapy & Counseling
Although a person’s sexual or romantic orientation or gender identity may not be a source of distress, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, or any other orientation may find that the social stigma of living as a minority is a source of stress or anxiety.

Emotional Support Animals
An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal prescribed by a licensed therapist to provide a health benefit for those that suffer from an emotional or mental disability. Emotional Support Animals have rights that normal pets do not.
Kemah Therapist Providing Counseling & Therapy
For Individuals, Couples, & Families of all ages
Online Therapy & Counseling
You’re One Step Closer to a New Beginning
Contrary to popular belief, the choice to see a Kemah therapist is inherently unselfish. In fact, its primary purpose is for you to heal and grow so that you increase, not decrease your capacity to love and respect others around you.
Seeing a Kemah Therapist is one of the best investments you can make
Imagine a world where everyone does the tough work to become more aware of their lives and the impact of their habits on others? Psychotherapy is a journey into areas of your life that might be scary to go into alone, for fear that your worst fears are actually true.
A good Kemah therapist is one who knows the territory, like a wilderness guide, and goes on the journey with you into those places. He has the knowledge and the necessary skills to survive. He is not a stranger to these places because he has been into his own places of pain and fear. They do not know your particular wilderness, but as you and they journey into your territory, they know the kinds of things to look for, to watch out for, to become curious about, to spend time with, to celebrate, and to heal.
Counseling & Therapy takes courage
The journey inwards is a journey that takes courage. It is risky: there are unknowns, fears, past histories that decidedly we don’t want to repeat. Vulnerability is scary for real reasons; opening up to another has not always gone well. And this journey takes time. So many of us want a quick fix– we live in a fast-paced world, not a slow one. And yet sustainable change only happens in time, and on its own time, faithfully being present to what is now.
To take this kind of time, takes courage. Thankfully, courage does not exist in a vacuum. In order to have courage, we can’t always muster it up. We need to be encouraged by another– at least one other. Which is why having your own Kemah therapist along for the journey is essential.
If not now, when?
You may be at the end of your rope, lost or simply in need of someone who understands. You may have tried all those self-help books and are looking for something deeper, more complex, and certainly more sustainable.

Secure Online Video Therapy
Online Counseling by Kemah Therapist Now Available for Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama Residents
Increasingly, healthcare professionals are using technology as part of their psychotherapy practice, offering Secure Online Video Therapy (a.k.a online therapy, online counseling, teletherapy) options to patients.
At Hopeful Texas, Online Therapy and Online Counseling is provided by our Kemah therapist through a confidential, HIPAA-compliant video conferencing platform. As long as you have a computer or phone with a camera and internet connection, Online Therapy and Online Counseling is an option for you.
Our Kemah therapist provide the same treatment and high-quality care via Online Therapy and Online Counseling for individuals, families, couples, children and adolescents as we do with in-person psychotherapy. Online Therapy and Online Counseling offers expanded access to care for our clients and improves continuity of care. It allows us to provide added convenience, and to be responsive to varying circumstances (practical and clinical) that might warrant remote care.
Getting Started is Easy
Give us a call today for a free 20 minute consultation by a Kemah therapist. We would be happy to answer any questions you. When you are ready, you can schedule your counseling / therapy appointment online. Be sure to ask about our secure online video therapy services. We offer online therapy & online counseling to patients all across Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama.